Thursday, July 5, 2012

What Kind Of Laptop Battery Should You Get?

You are watching your television and a commercial comes on that claims that they have found the internet in the vast reaches of a mountain wasteland. It is a great advertising gimmick but it raises a very good question – how would you recharge your laptop battery way up in the mountains? As more people become reliant on their laptops for their every day existence the laptop battery takes front and center as one of the most important parts of the laptop computer. Many people run their laptop battery until it just cannot hold a charge anymore and then they look to replace it. Some people buy extra batteries and carry them around with them fully charged so that they can keep on computing wherever they are. Still others hail the advent of the laptop battery that increases battery time by a significant margin and eliminates the need to carry extra batteries around. Many people like the idea of using their laptop on and off all day without having to recharge their batteries until they settle in for the night. But there are a lot of things to consider with your laptop battery replacement and some of the most important things to consider are things you would never think of.
First of all many people spend more money than they need to on their replacement laptop battery because they buy name brand. There is a misconception that the only batteries that will work properly in laptops are the ones sold by the laptop manufacturer. The chances are very good that the laptop manufacturer only assembled that laptop and that they did not make the battery at all. They buy the batteries from third party battery manufacturers and then put their company name on the batteries which they wind up charging you extra for. Save yourself a lot of money and do not be afraid to purchase generic laptop batteries when you are looking for a laptop battery replacement. The chances are very good that the company that made the generic battery you bought also make the brand name batteries for the big name computer companies.  In many cases it is the same battery.
Be careful when trying to put a laptop battery with more charge time in your laptop. While it may sound like a great idea it may do damage to your laptop. Always check with the laptop manufacturer to see if your particular model can handle batteries with larger capacities and make sure that you get the model of battery that the manufacturer recommends. You should be able to find the generic equivalent and once again save yourself a lot of money. Always check with the manufacturer’s recommendations prior to adding any new power source to your laptop computer.

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